Every so often, I get to hang out with a dear friend and see them as a professional. Today, I’d like to introduce you to Heather Strang.

I first meet Heather when we were both working for a (now defunct) events company. She was the guru of marketing and we commiserated together and she kept me sane. It was short lived, but we became great friends in those few months. She was always a writer and has been amazingly gifted in her use of words. Now, she is a writer (her second book is going to be published soon!) and her first book, The Quest, is going to be made into a Feature Length Motion Picture!

In addition to her amazing wordsmithing, she also is a gifted BodyTalk practitioner. BodyTalk has made a huge difference in my life when it comes to stress, managing life and also the fun pains that arrive from living. She taught me Tapping, which just recently has been spread across the interwebs by Marie Forleo, who has become my newest female entrepreneur crush. So inspiring, definitely check her out!

But back to the amazingness of Heather.  The first thing you see and will remember about Heather is her smile. It’s huge and so full of life. Seriously, it makes me happy just seeing it on my computer, let alone the immense joy and repeating smile that fills my face when she smiles in person.

Gorgeous Grinning Girl :: Portland, OR Headshot Photographer

Not to mention her infectious laugh! We had such an amazing time during this shoot. It was so incredible.

Laughter and it's Medicine :: Portland, OR Headshot Photographer

I also had an opportunity to witness an amazing mini BodyTalk session through my camera. She had a friend and client come and we worked through a normal session.

BodyTalk Session :: Portland, Oregon Headshot Photographer

It was amazing being a witness to her healing and be able to photograph it. I felt such a surge of peace and joy and healing while I was there.

I highly recommend a session with Heather. She even does distance sessions!

Not only that, experience her writing at her website and check out her book, whether by physical book or ebook. It’ll make you believe in love!